Selasa, 23 Oktober 2007

Yahoo search assist says Google is best

Yahoo has introduced the search assistance feature in its web search. With the help of search assist users will get the drop down list of matching commonly searched keywords as they type the search query. Its indeed a nice effort from yahoo to reduce the time taken by user to frame search queries and thus results in faster response and productivity. You can get the search assist feature of Yahoo from the home page of Yahoo or from

I tried giving a query Yahoo is b, then Yahoo stunned me with its first item in the search assist list. You can see the image below for reference. You may also try this by your self by typing the search query Yahoo is b in Yahoo home page or

Then I thought of trying out a different query, that is , Google is b. Then the first item in the suggestion list said Google is best. Refer the image below for the same. You can try out the same with yahoo search, to believe.

Google already implemented this feature in Google Search very long back as Google Suggest.

Suggested readings
New dimensions in web search assistance from Live
Google knows themself better than other image search engines

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