Selasa, 25 November 2008

Help yourself to fight SPAM and fraud Mails

In spite of great spam filters running behind the mail service providers, spammers are succeeding new and INNOVATIVE methods to spread spam mails. Some spammers make use of resembling word arts to canvas their products and to steal personal information from users. Some even fake the email ids of big internet players to send spam and fraud mails.

I do receive hundreds of spam mails per day, but thanks to GMail Spam filter, which is very intelligent to cut the line between actual mails and  spam mails. There are few tips that can help you fight spam and fraud mails.


As soon as you get mail that claims to be sent by big internet or business players, like lottery and casino stuffs, which you cannot believe or  even any other mail asking you to reveal your personal and financial details, try inspecting the from mail address and reply-to address of the received email. You could see a claim to be genuine from address, but most of the cases the reply-to address would be fake and does not match with that of from address. Once you understood that the mail you received is a spam, then report it to your mail service provider by clicking "Report Spam" button (in GMail) and similar buttons in the inbox of other mail service providers.

Another tip is to login to your mail account more frequently, at least once per day, so that the spam filtering engine can properly execute the filter through your mails. Also never reveal your email address in any of the forums or groups, unless it is absolutely necessary.

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