Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Sixth Sense Device is a Reality, Thanks to MIT Labs

Wikipedia defines Sixth Sense as, the apparent ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. There has been a lot of research going on in different parts of the world, to put together all available technologies to realize a device that can give the abilities of a sixth sense.


Researchers from MIT Labs has made a break through by unveiling a new wearable device with an any surface projector, camera and some necessary computation and communication components. The device can help a user to interact with the environment with natural gestures and there by perceiving the meta data about the subjects in real-time. Its a wonderful invention that will lay the foundation for more sophisticated sixth sense devices to come.

You will feel that those scenes from film "Minority Reports", will be part of our everyday life in near future. Also, this invention would change the way we play computer games, it would add more reality in game simulations.

Hearty Congratulations to Pranav Mistry, the genius behind this invention.

Visit the unveiling demo of this Sixth Sense DeviceImage from CNET.

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